Monday, November 8, 2010

Intuitive Intelligence Part 2

Often when I speak to people about intuition and Intuitive intelligence I get the feeling that the common belief is that it is some mystical ability granted only to the gifted few. Well this could not be further from the truth. It is a fact that we all have an equal ability to connect with our intuitive intelligence, it is a birth right and an important soft skill that we have. It is a primal sense that we attained so as to survive and not be eaten by wild animals. As we began to gain more and more control over our world our safety and security increased and therefore the need for intuition decreased. Until now! As I discussed in my previous blog, our ever demanding world requires greater skill sets and abilities to stay ahead and be successful, intuition is one of these...
So how does intuition work and how is it that we all have the ability but only few choose to actively utilise this skill?
It might help to give you some background information on brain function and the role this plays in the intuitive process. If you take a look at a human brain you will notice that there a two distinct hemispheres, a right and a left. These two hemispheres are connect via a part of the brain called the corpus colosseum, a collection of millions or neural fibbers that sits low down in the centre of these two hemispheres. The two hemispheres of the brain have very distinctly different functions and working together, help us to do all the things that the human being can do.
There is an amazing video on the website, and if you haven't been on this site I highly recommend it, by a lady called Jill Bolte Taylor. I recommend you have a look at it here: 

Ms Taylor is a Neuroscientist who experienced a stroke and in the video she excitedly shares her insights and deeper understanding of brain function. This experience gave her, not just a theoretical understanding of brain function, which she obviously had, but also an experiential understanding of it's function during the stroke. In her video she gives us a view into the complex world of left and right brain function and inadvertently uncovers the brain - intuition connection. 
As an overview the left and right brains function like so...
The left hemisphere of the brain sees the world through organised, systematic steps, process orientated and determined to make sense of the world around us. It is analytical, structured and logic focussed. It tends to use language and words to describe it's relationship to the external world and in our modern day society is valued highly.  The left hemisphere sees us as separate from each other and is the part of the brain that knows me as 'I' and you as 'you'. It has separated and differentiated us from all other things and knows me as an individual alone in the world. It tends to concern itself with the past and the future.
The right hemisphere of the brain on the other hand has its focus in the abstract world preferring to make sense of the world through our sensory perceptions. It tends to use feelings and images to describe its relationship to the external world. It learns kinaesthetically taking in all of the energetic information through the senses so that it can experience its world. It knows us as one with everything, that we are all connected right here right now. It lives in the present moment understanding that there is only now. In this state it is the part of the brain that connects to our intuitive abilities accessing all of our senses both physical and subtle.
It is therefore possible that anyone with a right brain can access and utilise intuition. The issue we face is that we have grown up in a left brain focussed world where IQ is valued higher than all other forms of intelligence. It is a fact that the most academic and educated tend to get the best jobs and make more money. When we are born we tend to rely more heavily on our right brain as our ability to access speech and have ourselves understood by the external world is gained. This ability is then literally beaten out of us as we enter the external conventional world. This I have seen first hand with my children as they enter school and slowly but surely begin to rely less on their own intuitive nature preferring to analyse and quantify their decisions. However if we are to survive and move forward in the world we must reignite the use of our intuitive abilities.
Stay tuned for part 3 - How to consistently access intuitive intelligence...

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