Monday, November 22, 2010

Fatigue and the Busi-ness of Life?

I came to the end of another busy week feeling tired, exhausted and fatigued. Pushing myself from one meeting to another in a flurry of action, and as I came to a stop on Saturday morning I realized the pattern. Caught in a pattern that I have been running for many years now, flat out making it happen or fatigued to a stop. A wave of sadness came over me as I realized that my true self is the stillness that resides inside me. That peaceful self that meditates the wisdom of my life, and yet still I run.

It got me thinking of the sub-scripts that the subconscious brain runs that I often talk about with my clients. Those damn beliefs, patterns and fears that we choose to agree with over our lifetime. Now manifesting as a negative interference pattern. And I tell my clients that once you have a consciousness about a thing you can then decide to change that thing….right? Well as we all know it is not as easy as it seems and sometimes that comes down to the level or depth of consciousness we have about that thing. In my case I had some consciousness about it but not enough to completely shift my external experience of that thing, until today!

We had my nieces seventh birthday at a gymnastic centre followed by lunch at my brothers. It was a wonderful day, I got to run and play with my little girl Lucy and see our other two children, Claudia and Brendan, play with her. The love and care they have for her and each other whilst in a group of children is wonderful. Anyway when we got to my brothers the rest of the family had assembled including my Dad. Now I love my Dad but for most of my life he has been the one that I am trying to free myself from and today he gave me an insight. Now when I mean free myself please don’t get me wrong my Dad is a wonderful man, generous, caring and has supported me and my brother far and beyond most fathers. However like most boys and certainly first sons, I have the father wounding that I am trying to heal. So today was another chance but did I take it?

At one stage throughout the day, Dad I had a chance to chat alone for a few moments and in true form he asked me how business was going and again, true to form, I picked all the most positive points to tell him. The opportunities, the excitement of new clients and the underlining message of how well I was doing. At that moment I looked at him and noticed how far away he was from me. It was as if he had not heard anything that I had said. Oh there was the obligatory nod of the head and rhetorical murmurings of agreement and understanding but at the end of the day he was not there. Here I was sharing exciting news that things were going well and he had chosen to disappear. Now the disappearing is not the important part of this story, hell we all have those moments when we disappear from a conversation. No, it was the need I felt to once again prove that I was worthy and valuable….

Here was the driving force behind my need to run flat out and why it is not possible to keep up the pace. In truth this keeping up of the pace is me not living the truth of who I am but rather in the shadow of approval and acceptance of what my father might think is good. Sure like most I can keep up the pace with the best of them however I have had chronic fatigue so energy or the lack there of is my specialty. It is my calling, the reading of energy and sensing the state of myself and others, so now what to do with it…?

At the end of the day it is not the speed at which one moves that is the issue but rather what is going on inside that counts. It is possible to drive a car at 100 kilometers and hour however if you don’t change gear relative to the speed of the car then you are likely to blow up an engine. To complicate matters the alignment of ones own truth must match the energy so that the external performance matches the internal truth. In other words not only do we have to change gear so as not to blow the engine up but we must also have our gears aligned or we will destroy the gearbox. Now at 100 kilometers an hour that could be life threatening. In my case when my gearbox goes I get fatigued and literally have to stop.

There is a great understanding that comes from deep observation. Observation of your own internal scripts that continually run through your mind and observation of the scripts of those around you. To then bring awareness to how those scripts inter play with each other and the effect that these then have.
My Dad’s script is one of having to be perfect, which plays beautifully into mine, which is one of trying to seek acceptance by having the perfect business, life or what ever. Perfection to me is then played out through what I perceive as positive success, the bigger the positive success the better. This continual expectation is not possible to live up to. It is never possible to live up to others expectations. The only thing you can do is live up to your own, that is to meet your own inner expectation that in this life you will live as your true self as much as you can. That is the only expectation we have of ourselves at a deep level and it’s not really an expectation but rather a mantra, a desire to fulfill ourselves. Those that surrender fully to this internal expectation reap the rewards of a full, content and happy life. Those that don’t have to make do with whatever is left.

It is time to live my internal truth and to slow down, become clear, focused and move forward with grace and ease, regardless of the speed of the vehicle. Now I am going to take some of my own medicine and powerfully choose to make a difference. To live the peace that I am, calm and relaxed regardless of the speed of the outside world. I will allow myself to not have the need to impress, or be good, or be anything except that inner peace.

So how do your sub scripts interfere with your success and affect the living of your truth and, what do you choose now…………….?

So be brave and courageously share a little more of yourself this week. In a work or corporate environment it can be the scariest thing to do….but the most important. As one of my clients discovered last week, when you begin to let go and share your truth others are given permission to share theirs. Out of the darkest places the most amazing light often appears. So go and shine this week and let me know what happens and who else crawls from under the veil of a subconscious sub-script self.

If we were all free to perform from this place the world would certainly be better place…

Regards Marcus

Remember: Perform from your core, your truth and you will unleash your true potential...

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Power Of Energy

I am constantly reminded of the power of one’s energy when trying to manifest or create anything. Just this morning a relatively new client of mine shared the story of her amazing success over the weekend. After three sessions where we identified underlying blocks to her success, empowered a new paradigm and unleashed a new possibility she had the best sales ever in one event. This was all put down to her energy being in the right place.

So what is the energy that you go out into the world with? I see business owners spending thousands of dollars on advertising, hours of effort cold calling, or time sitting waiting for people to walk into their store all to no avail, and why? More often than not it comes down to the energy that we put out into the world. Whether we know it or not we are energy beings having a physical experience, just ask Quantum Physicist if you don’t believe me. We are constantly sending subtle messages out into the world, which is then picked up by others. This is then translated into the first point of approval to engage. If the energy is one of fear then it is less likely that another will engage, who wants’ to engage with fear? If the energy is one of being excited to meet others then we are more likely to want to accept. Now this energy goes deeper than just having a good feeling about others. It is one of those things that we can’t fake and we all have the ability to pick out a fake. So at a deep level it is about aligning with your true energy that gives you the best chance of success.

The most difficult part of getting your energy right is that because it is so subtle in its nature we often don’t see the energy we are portraying. Even if we feel positive, inviting and welcoming there maybe an underlying energy of ‘no not now!’ Now there are three ways we can monitor our energy: 1. Look at what is coming back to us from the outside world. Are we receiving the abundance that we know we deserve or world like? If not you have an energetic mismatch; 2. Have someone else guide us, preferably someone who can read energy and who can guide us back to our true energetic nature; 3. Have the intuitive ability to pick up on our own energy. This is much easier said than done as our own fears, beliefs and blocks often get in the road.

I have been called an energetic intuitive and have spent many years growing my intuitive abilities but I too sometimes need an outside person to connect me back to my core energy and to give me the courage to go live it in the world. I’m luckier than most as I live with another energetic bunny, my life partner Stephanie who helps guide me back. I know that when I am aligned and congruent with whom I truly am, things manifest easily and quickly. It is amazing that even if you have no idea where the next thing is going to come from, becoming aligned will have it emerge from the most unlikely sources.

A few months ago I was attempting to fill up one of my courses and was beginning to get frustrated that all the avenues and cold calls I was doing was leading to nothing. I realized that at some level my energy was blocking people from coming. I did some quick realignment processes and not long after a lady rang who had been given my brochure from a past participant and wanted to book 7 people into the course. Coincidence or the power of energetic alignment?

There are many, many examples just like this one and I am sure you would have your own if you think about it. An exercise that I often get clients to do is to imagine the last time things manifested easily or out of the blue. Try to remember how you were feeling, what was the attitude that you were sending out into the universe. What was the energy you were displaying? Now close your eyes and imagine creating that same energy, the same feeling right now. Now imagine focusing it towards that which you are trying to manifest, more clients, more money, no termites as in my case….but that’s another story for next time.

Remember for the most profound results align your energy with who you are and go live that in the world….It works and is more powerful than any advertising campaign!

If you want help with the identification and alignment of your energy call now 0419 538 320 or email me at

Monday, November 8, 2010

Intuitive Intelligence Part 2

Often when I speak to people about intuition and Intuitive intelligence I get the feeling that the common belief is that it is some mystical ability granted only to the gifted few. Well this could not be further from the truth. It is a fact that we all have an equal ability to connect with our intuitive intelligence, it is a birth right and an important soft skill that we have. It is a primal sense that we attained so as to survive and not be eaten by wild animals. As we began to gain more and more control over our world our safety and security increased and therefore the need for intuition decreased. Until now! As I discussed in my previous blog, our ever demanding world requires greater skill sets and abilities to stay ahead and be successful, intuition is one of these...
So how does intuition work and how is it that we all have the ability but only few choose to actively utilise this skill?
It might help to give you some background information on brain function and the role this plays in the intuitive process. If you take a look at a human brain you will notice that there a two distinct hemispheres, a right and a left. These two hemispheres are connect via a part of the brain called the corpus colosseum, a collection of millions or neural fibbers that sits low down in the centre of these two hemispheres. The two hemispheres of the brain have very distinctly different functions and working together, help us to do all the things that the human being can do.
There is an amazing video on the website, and if you haven't been on this site I highly recommend it, by a lady called Jill Bolte Taylor. I recommend you have a look at it here: 

Ms Taylor is a Neuroscientist who experienced a stroke and in the video she excitedly shares her insights and deeper understanding of brain function. This experience gave her, not just a theoretical understanding of brain function, which she obviously had, but also an experiential understanding of it's function during the stroke. In her video she gives us a view into the complex world of left and right brain function and inadvertently uncovers the brain - intuition connection. 
As an overview the left and right brains function like so...
The left hemisphere of the brain sees the world through organised, systematic steps, process orientated and determined to make sense of the world around us. It is analytical, structured and logic focussed. It tends to use language and words to describe it's relationship to the external world and in our modern day society is valued highly.  The left hemisphere sees us as separate from each other and is the part of the brain that knows me as 'I' and you as 'you'. It has separated and differentiated us from all other things and knows me as an individual alone in the world. It tends to concern itself with the past and the future.
The right hemisphere of the brain on the other hand has its focus in the abstract world preferring to make sense of the world through our sensory perceptions. It tends to use feelings and images to describe its relationship to the external world. It learns kinaesthetically taking in all of the energetic information through the senses so that it can experience its world. It knows us as one with everything, that we are all connected right here right now. It lives in the present moment understanding that there is only now. In this state it is the part of the brain that connects to our intuitive abilities accessing all of our senses both physical and subtle.
It is therefore possible that anyone with a right brain can access and utilise intuition. The issue we face is that we have grown up in a left brain focussed world where IQ is valued higher than all other forms of intelligence. It is a fact that the most academic and educated tend to get the best jobs and make more money. When we are born we tend to rely more heavily on our right brain as our ability to access speech and have ourselves understood by the external world is gained. This ability is then literally beaten out of us as we enter the external conventional world. This I have seen first hand with my children as they enter school and slowly but surely begin to rely less on their own intuitive nature preferring to analyse and quantify their decisions. However if we are to survive and move forward in the world we must reignite the use of our intuitive abilities.
Stay tuned for part 3 - How to consistently access intuitive intelligence...