Monday, June 6, 2011

Belief and the art of seduction

Another Monday and can you believe that we are in the middle of the year already. Not sure where May went, I must have slept through it, how was it?

So I just finished my amazing Double Your Clients in 90 Days workshop yesterday and I always enjoy seeing the positive effect it has on participants. One of the things we spoke about yesterday was belief. In particular the importance of believing in the self so that you can have the confidence to go out and do what it is that you want to do. 

Now sometimes belief is not enough as one participant shared with me. He had a strong belief that he was good enough and that he was worthy yet at the same time there was a deeper knowing that was blocking him from living the consciousness that he had. How is it possible that at the conscious level we can believe in something yet at another deeper sub consciousness level we can be seduced into not believing it and how does the sub consciousness win?

Belief and the art of seduction is one tool that advertisers, slick sales people and charlatans have used forever. They constantly take advantage of the seducing inner mind, the sub consciousness and the wounded inner child that tells us that we are not worthy. Although our conscious mind wants to believe that we are good, confident and worthy it is seduced by the sub conscious mind whose wounding sometimes runs deep. 

One of the things that we as human beings all have in common are issues around worth. The lack of worth is the seducer of belief and will do anything to sabotage our success.

So how do you know that you are worthy to have all the things that you want and desire?

When my daughter Lucy was born, some two and a half years ago, I realized that we are all born with an abundance of self worth so what happens? Maybe it is beaten out of us, maybe we are taught not to listen to it, maybe we just forget, either way there are moments in our life when we are seduced into believing we are not worthy even when our conscious mind knows that we are. 

So what is the antidote? 

Sometimes it helps to compile a list of all the ways that you know your worth, from both the outside world and also the inner world. There is a wellspring of worth that we all have within us, our job is to reconnect with it, know that we are intrinsically worthy and go live the grandest version of ourselves.

Sometimes however will power, positive affirmations and the anger and frustration of being sick and tired of being seduced is not enough. Sometimes we have to dig deep and to uncover the cause of the seduction. What are the insights that we can uncover to help our conscious selves deal with the cause or root of the seducer? Sometimes we can find this alone other times we need help to find the breakthrough.

In the absence of assistance we need to connect with our wellspring of worth that resides within. So go out and compile your list of ways that you know you are worthy. List all those external successes in your life, get testimonials from friends and family and others you associated with but more importantly go within and discover the worth that resides within. When we search outside of ourselves for worth we are at the whim of situation and the seducer. Depending on the time of day, the way the wind is blowing we may feel worthy or not. 

The most important form of worth comes from within, from the deep knowing that you were born with. This you will find in those quiet moments of peace, walking along a country road, on a beech or in the snow. Looking out over the beauty of the world or listening to the laughter of children. In all these little moments you will find the wellspring of worth that you were born with. So list where it is that you connect to this wellspring and when the seducer comes calling go to these places.

Remember it is not what happens to us but how we choose to interpret the story of what happened that matters most. Choose to know that in every given moment you are just doing the best job you can, making the best decisions based on the information and knowledge at hand. Don’t allow yourself to be seduced by the hindsight monster that will try to convince you that you are not worthy because you ‘should’ have done it better, differently or not at all. Begin to see the seducers in your life and choose to listen not to their incessant banter that would have you feel less than. It is not possible for you to be less than as we are all amazing beings, just for being born. If you take a close look at the amazingness of conception, birth and life you will agree with me. Focus on the small, amazing things in life and you will be bought back to the amazingness of who your truly are and the intrinsic worth that we all have deep within.

This week choose not to play with the seducer, don't allow it to haunt you and affect your life and don't listen to it when it try's to tell you that you are not worth it. YOU are WORTHY just for being!

Have a great week, Marcus

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